What is SEO ? How it Works ? Is It Important ?



Hello my friends I hope you all are good so today we are discusting about SEO and search engine we will discuss that why SEO is more trending in today's life and why it is important for us it is good or bad for us we will also discuss on that topic and I will guide you about it that you need to use it or not.

What is search engine?

Search engine is a software program which will take information from websites and web pages data basis and matches with the query of the user. The most famous search engine is Google but been Yahoo and dak dak go are also available on internet as a search when user search enquiry in a search engine then search engine will use complex algorithms and analyse the content from websites or web pages and find se relevant result for the user.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimisation which means that you will optimise your website on search engine like Google to reach out more and more. For which you will change your website content structure and code from which search engines will like your website and show at the top most on search. In this work keywords are used high quality contents made meta tax are optimised and blacklinks are also made it with this work. This engine will work for your website to reach out more and more peoples and they will login on your site and make your website as a famous one.

How it works ?

Search engines like Google and many more will use complex algorithms to determine the quality of your website content and what will it contain and it will never broke the rules and regulations which will made it by search engines. SEO is work for you to make your website passes all these algorithms criteria from which you will optimise your website on search results on the top to reach out more and more peoples. SEO will also contains a work of making black rings from which your website will come into high quality website and your website relevance

Why it is important?

SEO is important because it will improve your website quality and it's visibility and ranking of your website on search engines like Google. It will work for lead to more website traffic which can lead your business as well as sales and your revenue for your business. As you is a cost effective way to market your business. Because in this work you will not have to pay cash. SEO will also help you to build your brand and make your business as a leader in the industry.

Types :There are two types of SEO and we will discuss about it also. Where you can see how it's work

1. On-site SEO
2. Off-site SEO

On-Site SEO ?

Onsite SEO means to optimise your website to make your content and structure of your website good and make it more seen to search engine. Here are some few keywords which will help you to understand On site SEO

1. It will make sure that your website is mobile friendly and will load quickly

2. It will include a site map to help search engines find all the pages regarding your query.

3. It will regularly updating your website with new and high quality content.

4. It will also create descriptive tags and meta descriptions for each pages of your website

Off-Site SEO ?

Offsight SEO means that you will visible your website reputation and its quality on other websites and platforms for optimization purpose. There are some few keywords which will help you to understand off site SEO

1. It will build high quality blacklinks for your website as compared to the other websites

2. It will also post on other blog and websites.

3. It will use influencer marketing to reach more and more peoples and tell about your website quality.

4. It will monitor all your online reputations and responding automatically to the customer feedback and their reviews


SEO work is to make your website more visible and make its rank high on search engines results pages it is very important in our daily life. Now we can discuss about some special things about SEO.

1. To increase Website Traffic :

SEO will improve your website visibility on search engine results pages and will get more traffic on your website.

2. Improve user experience:

SEO will improve your website user experience from which users will easily navigate your website and get the right information what they want.

3. Increase Brand Awareness :

SEO will also improve your brand visibility and reputation from which on search engines results your pages will come at the top most of the results.

4. Long Term Benefits :

SEO is a login term strategy from which your website visibility and ranking will improve for a long time and it is also a cost effective marketing strategy.


SEO is a effective marketing strategy and also useful in our daily life but it also has some drawbacks. Here we can discuss about its drawback

1. Time Consuming :

SEO is a time consuming process because it requires on going efforts to optimise your website and make your content visible on search engines.

2. Result may take time :

It can also take time to see your results of your query on SEO as we all know search engines may take weak sour months to crawl and index your pages of your website.

3. Risk of Penalties :

If you are engaging a blackhead SEO techniques such as most profitable keywords or buying links your risk will be penalized by search engines.

4. Limited Controls :

While you will optimise your website and your quality content on search engine but you have limitations over how search engine can show your website on their results.


SEO will be affective marketing status or be useful in our daily life but it have some drawbacks. It takes time and search engines will also take time to crawl and index your website on their search results. SEO is a changing field and also you have a knowledge about technical field. Instead of this if you use black hat SEO techniques then you will be face SEO is a competitive field and in this field it's hard to achieve high rankings. But if you do it and right way then SEO will be a cost effective marketing strategy for your business.

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